Quick Start Guide

Reduce your opponent’s Hero’s health to 0 or cause them to run out of cards during their draw phase.

1. Game Setup

  • Deck Size: 40 cards (not including 1 Hero card).
  • Rarity Limits:
    • Common (Green Square): Up to 4 copies.
    • Rare (Blue Triangle): Up to 3 copies.
    • Epic (Purple Diamond): Up to 2 copies.
    • Legendary (Orange Circle): Only 1 copy.
  • Starting Health: Both players start with 40 health.
  • Starting Lifeforce: 10 lifeforce each.
  • Starting Hand: Draw 6 cards.
  • Mulligan: Option to discard any number of cards from your hand and redraw once.
  • Determine First Player: Coin flip, dice roll, or mutual agreement.

2. Card Types

  • Hero Cards: Represents you, the player. Can be damaged, healed, and have unique abilities.
  • Minion Cards: Summon these by paying their lifeforce cost. Used to attack and defend.
  • Magic Cards: Includes spells, artifacts, relics, and land cards.
    • Spells: One-time effects; placed in the graveyard after use.
    • Artifacts: Ongoing effects; can be attacked and destroyed.
    • Relics: Equip to minions to enhance them.
    • Land Cards: Provide ongoing effects; only 1 Land card per player can be on the field.
  • Event Cards: Remain on the field for a set number of rounds.

3. Turn Structure

  • Start Phase: Resolve any effects that occur at the start of your turn.
  • Resource Phase: Gain 5 lifeforce (cannot exceed 10).
  • Draw Phase: Draw 1 card.
  • Main Phase:
    • Summon minions or play magic cards by paying their lifeforce cost.
    • Command minions to attack, defend, or dismiss.
    • Use Hero abilities (e.g., Draw Card, Destroy Magic).
  • End Phase: Resolve end-of-turn effects. Discard down to 10 cards if needed.

4. Combat Mechanics

  • Attack: Minions can attack the opponent’s minions, artifacts, or Hero.
    • Damage is dealt simultaneously.
    • If a minion’s attack exceeds its target’s defense, it is destroyed.
    • Piercing Damage: Excess attack damage beyond a minion’s defense is dealt to the opponent’s Hero unless the minion is immune to piercing damage.
  • Defend: Assign minions to protect your Hero or artifacts from attacks.
    • Multiple minions can defend a single attack.
    • Excess damage can be applied to the next defender or the Hero.
  • Dismiss: Remove one of your minions from the field, returning it to your deck.

5. Lifeforce Mechanics

  • Starting Lifeforce: 10 lifeforce.
  • Gaining Lifeforce: Gain 5 lifeforce at the start of each turn, up to a maximum of 10.
  • Spending Lifeforce: Pay to summon minions or activate Hero abilities.

6. Winning and Losing

  • Win: Reduce your opponent’s Hero’s health to 0, or cause them to run out of cards.
  • Lose: Your Hero’s health reaches 0, or you cannot draw a card.

7. Hero Abilities (Shared)

  • Draw Card: During your turn you can spend 3 lifeforce to draw 1 card.
  • Destroy Magic: During any turn you can spend 4 lifeforce to negate and destroy a target magic card. Refund its owner the lifeforce used to play it.
  • Sacrifice Card: During any turn you can discard cards from your hand to gain 1 lifeforce for each discarded card.

8. Basic Field Layout

  • Front Row:
    • Hero Zone: Place your Hero here.
    • Minion Zones (4): Place minions here.
  • Back Row:
    • Magic Zones (3): Place magic cards like artifacts or events here.

Deck Zone & Graveyard Zone: For your deck and discarded cards.

Card Type Overview


Morganas Structure Deck

Function: Represents the player in the game. Unique Effects: Each Hero card has special abilities that can influence gameplay.

Hero Abilities on Back

Morgana s Structure Deck 1

Hero Abilities: Each hero card has special abilities that affect that duel. You can use multiple Hero abilities but each one can only be used once per turn.


Ragnar s Structure Deck 4

Role: Main combat units used to attack and defend.
Cost: Requires lifeforce to play.
Attributes: Each minion has an attack and a defense value.
Types and Traits: Various minion types (e.g., Skeletons, Ghosts) with shared traits. Eldritch minions have unique traits.
Effects: Some minions have unique abilities or effects.


Morgana s Structure Deck 68

Function: Cast to create various effects on the game.
Placement: Played in magic zones on the field.
Types: There are several types of spells (e.g., Fire, Ice)


Atropal s Structure Deck 80

Usage: Attached to minions to alter their abilities or stats. Durability: Remain in play until the attached minion or the relic itself is destroyed.


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Placement: Played in magic zones.
Mechanics: Have a defense value.
Vulnerability: They can be attacked and destroyed like minions.


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Effect: Provide ongoing benefits or game-altering effects.
Placement: Played in magic zones.
Exclusivity: Only one can be on the field per player at a time. If another one exists on the field when it’s played the older one is destroyed.


Mictlantecuhtlis Structure Deck 58

Effect: Provide powerful effects that happen over multiple turns.
Placement: Played in magic zones.
Hourglass Icon: This icon determines how long an Event card stays active on the field. Cards with 1 on the hourglass stay active until the start of your next turn then go to the graveyard. 2 cards stay for 2 turns, etc.


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Purpose: Tracks the player’s current lifeforce. Number in Deck: Every deck contains 10 Lifeforce cards. Lifeforce can also be tracked on Free Tracker App.

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