POTN Tabletop Sim Logo V3

Download Path of the Necromancer Free through Steam Workshop.

Join our Discord community to stay in the loop on exclusive online and in-person events!

Connect with card tacticians from around the globe.

Play for free before purchasing physical decks.

Let the battles begin!

Screenshots and 360-degree panoramas are from the “Path of the Necromancer” PC game. 

We are capturing and and integrating the environments and sound from the game into our Tabletop Simulator. 

These are low resolution 360 images.

Contact us
If you are a retail store interested in hosting in-person or virtual playtesting events.

Beasts and Bonepile

We often test new decks and mechanics.

Start Sinister

Join our Discord and connect with fellow necromancers!

Challenge rivals to epic battles or forge alliances in Team Deathmatch. The choice is yours—dominate or unite!

Egypt POTN Tabletop Sim

First 10 Hero Decks NOW Available  to play for Free

Join our Discord community to stay in the loop on exclusive online and in-person events!

 Path of the Necromancer Copyright 2023  Sinister Pixel

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