Guide for Hosting a Draft Tournament


Thank you for your interest in hosting a Path of the Necromancer Draft Tournament at your location! This guide provides all the information you need to run a successful event, from tournament setup and logistics to prize distribution and participant benefits. By offering this unique experience, you’ll attract both new and seasoned players eager to engage with this strategic Hero Card Game.

Tournament Overview

In the Path of the Necromancer Draft Tournament, players create custom decks by selecting cards from a shared pool, fostering strategic thinking and adaptability. Unlike traditional play, this format allows participants to explore different Heroes and tactics, enhancing the game’s excitement and replayability.

Running the Tournament

1. Drafting Process

Hero Selection

  • Distribution:
    • Randomly assign one Hero card to each player.
    • Alternatively, conduct a separate Hero draft:
      • Players take turns selecting Heroes from the available pool.
      • This adds strategic depth and personalization.

Card Drafting

  • Seating Arrangement:
    • Players sit in a circle to pass packs easily.
  • Draft Rounds:
    • Each player receives a 10-15-card pack.
    • Drafting Steps:
      • Pick a Card:
        • Each player selects one card from their pack.
      • Pass the Pack:
        • Pass the remaining cards to the left (alternate directions with each new pack).
      • Repeat:
        • Continue until all cards are drafted.
    • Subsequent Packs:
      • Distribute new packs and repeat the process.
  • Completion:
    • Continue until all packs are drafted.

2. Deck Building

  • Deck Construction:
    • Each player builds a 40-card deck plus 1 Hero from their drafted cards.
    • Deck-Building Rules:
      • Rarity Limits: Players should keep rarity limits in mind when drafting.
        • Common: Up to 4 copies per deck.
        • Rare: Up to 3 copies per deck.
        • Epic: Up to 2 copies per deck.
        • Legendary: Only 1 copy per deck.
      • Card Compatibility:
        • Be mindful of cards that may not synergize with the chosen Hero.
  • Sideboard:
    • Unused drafted cards serve as a sideboard for adjustments between games.

3. Match Play

Pairings and Format

  • Pairings:
    • In a 4-player tournament, implement a round-robin, where each player faces all others.
  • Match Structure:
    • Best-of-Three Games:
      • Matches are played in a series where the first to win two games wins the match.


  • Standard Rules:
    • Follow the official Path of the Necromancer gameplay rules.
    • Ensure all players understand the turn structure and mechanics.


  • Between Games:
    • Allow players to adjust their decks using cards from their sideboard to better counter opponents.

Time Management

  • Match Duration:
    • Allocate approximately 50 minutes per match.
    • Total Tournament Time:

For a small tournament (e.g., 4 players), expect the event to last around 3–4 hours, including drafting and deck building.

What You Need to Know

1. Materials and Preparation

Hero Structure Decks

  • Purchase Decks:
    • Acquire Hero Structure Decks for the tournament. Each deck contains:
      • 1 Hero card
      • 40 game cards
      • Rule cards
      • Lifeforce cards
    • Note: For draft purposes, consider obtaining the Streamlined Hero Decks that include only the Hero card and the 40 game cards, excluding the rule and lifeforce cards.

Deck Allocation

  • Number of Decks:
    • Open one Hero Structure Deck per player, plus an additional deck to provide extra cards for variety.
    • Example: For a 4-player tournament, open 5 decks.
  • Total Cards:
    • With 5 decks, you’ll have:
      • 5 Hero cards
      • 200 game cards

Managing Lifeforce Cards and Rulebooks

  • Avoid Excess:
    • By using the Streamlined Hero Decks, you prevent accumulating unnecessary lifeforce cards and rulebooks.
    • Links to Decks:
      • Streamlined Hero Decks: Link to Streamlined Decks
      • Full Hero Decks (if preferred): Link to Full Decks

Prize Support

  • Unique Prize Cards:
    • We’ll provide exclusive prize cards not found in any Structure Decks.
    • Acquisition:
      • These cards are sent directly to your shop prior to the tournament.
      • They are designed to be coveted prizes, encouraging participation.

2. Tournament Setup

Card Pool Preparation

  • Hero Cards:
    • Remove the Hero cards and set them aside for player selection.
  • Shuffling Cards:
    • Combine the 200 game cards from all decks.
    • Shuffle thoroughly to ensure a random distribution.
  • Creating Draft Packs:
    • Divide the shuffled cards into packs of approximately 10-15 cards each.
    • With 200 cards, you’ll have about 14–20 packs.

Drafting Area

    • Space Requirements:
      • Provide adequate seating for all players around a table to facilitate the passing of packs.
    • Supplies: (These are optional but could be useful)
      • Ensure availability of:
        • Card sleeves
        • Deck boxes
        • Pens and paper for note-taking
  • Coins for deciding who goes first
  • Dice for deciding who goes first or keeping track of event card rounds
  • 40hp Health Trackers for keeping track of health but you can also have the players download the tracker app which can be found here: Tracker

3. Staffing

  • Tournament Organizer:
    • Assign a knowledgeable staff member to oversee the event.
    • Responsibilities include:
      • Explaining rules and procedures
      • Managing time and pairings
      • Resolving disputes or questions

Prizes and Incentives

1. Exclusive Prize Cards

  • Unique Prize Cards:
    • Award the exclusive prize cards to top performers.

2. Participant Benefits

  • Value for Admission Fee:
    • Suggested Admission Price: $25–$30 per player.
    • What Players Receive:
      • 40–50 game cards plus 1 Hero card from the draft.
      • A chance to win exclusive unique prize cards.
      • An engaging and competitive gameplay experience.
    • Additional Perks:
      • Potential discounts on future purchases.
      • Recognition within the community.

Summary Checklist

Before the Tournament

  • Order Streamlined Hero Decks or full decks as needed.
  • Receive and prepare exclusive prize cards.
  • Promote the event and manage pre-registration.
  • Prepare the venue with adequate seating and supplies.

During the Tournament

  • Open and shuffle the appropriate number of decks.
  • Conduct the Hero selection and drafting process.
  • Oversee deck building, ensuring compliance with deck-building rules.
  • Manage pairings, matches, and timekeeping.
  • Distribute prizes to winners and participants.

After the Tournament

  • Thank participants and collect feedback.
  • Encourage future participation and community engagement.


Hosting a Path of the Necromancer Draft Tournament is an excellent way to engage your gaming community, offering players a fresh and exciting experience. By following this guide, your shop can provide a well-organized event that highlights the strategic depth of the game and rewards participants with exclusive content and memorable gameplay.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Path of the Necromancer support team at

Embrace the shadows, gather your minions, and let the necromantic duels begin!

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